Eiropas Savienības projekts PITCCH veicina sadarbību starp maziem/vidējiem un lielajiem uzņēmumiem: Lielie uzņēmumi publicē sludinājumus, kādai tehnoloģiskai problēmai tie meklē risinājumus. Ieinteresētie MVU piedāvā savus risinājumus. Izvēlētajiem MVU ar labākajiem risinājumu piedāvājumiem to īstenošanai tiks piešķirta 25 000 eiro dotācija.
The EU Project PITCCH promotes collaboration between small/medium and large companies by publishing Open Innovation Challenges from large companies and awarding the best solutions from small/medium companies and start-ups. We are currently looking for suitable SMEs for theChallenges listed below. We wanted to ask you if you know someone from your contacts for whom one of the challenges could be interesting? In particular, we are looking for a suitable partner for the Challenge Climate- friendly process steam supply.
Companies have the opportunity to develop a solution for each of the Challenges and, if their solution is selected, will receive a €25,000 grantfor its implementation.
In addition, companies receive professional support through our BROKERAGE SERVICES.
Interested companies should register on our PITCCH-Plattform as a first step.
Here you can learn more about the Steps.
We will be happy to assist you as well as the companies in this process as a direct contact.
Thanks for your support in advance and best regards,
Sandra Hartmann
Project Consultant
Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum/Steinbeis 2i GmbH
Kienestraße 35
D - 70174 Stuttgart
Tel: +49 711 123 4043
Fax: +49 711 123 4011
Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Württemberg
Ein Unternehmen im Steinbeis Verbund
Headquarters: Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung
Haus der Wirtschaft, Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19, 70174 Stuttgart
Postfach 10 43 62, 70038 Stuttgart
Tel: +49 711 18 39-5, Fax: +49 711 18 39-700,
Internet:, E-Mail:
Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Michael Auer
Stiftungsverzeichnis RP Stuttgart, AZ 14-0563
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